Research Programs

Organizations get amazing benefits from listening to their people – opportunistically and intentionally – in an ongoing way. One-time research has its place but ongoing research offers an organization the most leverageable insights, the best chance to explore all needed issues and topics, and is the most cost effective.

We work with clients to design and execute ongoing research programs to deliver insights from any important group of people on any important topic.


Popular Programs

Multi-Location Secret Visits

Map-SecretVisitsGathering unbiased third party insight about your stores, sites, or your products is incredibly beneficial and it can also be incredibly expensive due to the geographic scope and the needed-talent of the right third party. We have found a way to lower the cost to between $500 – $1000 per site, including research design, research, reporting, and travel, and still achieve the quality, frequency, and geographic diversity needed to get a well-rounded perspective.

  • Custom research selected and designed with each client such as customer experience, customer service, operations,
    marketing, visuals, product placement, and/or real estate research
  • Highly trained consultant-researcher conducts research at each visit
  • Location reports including videos, recordings, images, and trip summaries; optional quarterly and annual reports; meetings as desired
  • Travel and research cost leveraged across multiple clients creating a highly affordable way to gather insights
  • Up to 24 geographic locations per year
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Sales Win/Loss Research

Image_drybrush_WindowsUnderstanding why you won and why you lost sales deals is essential to improving your business and a structured third-party program can be the best way to learn the real reasons, which often span the enterprise. Internal teams – the sales team, the product team, and the service team, for example – often unintentionally, and intentionally, misreport the reasons for the loss or the win due to their vested interest in self-preservation, the speed at which they are operating, and the real pressure of their goals. Additionally, clients and prospects are more likely to open up about their true reasons for buying or not buying your service or product to an unbiased third-party. We use our years of executive level interviewing and research to uncover the reasons and accurately report it back to the enterprise while building a positive rapport for our client with the prospect or client.

  • Annual win/loss research plan
  • Custom designed research approach to fit your business and buyers
  • A representative sample of wins and losses each month
  • Individual reports, big issue alerts, monthly and quarterly summaries
  • Option to integrate other research needs to Win/Loss research when needed

Supplier and Partner Experience Research

Image_drybrush_SupplierSupply chain partners and reseller partners are people too … but sometimes we forget that in all the complexity of negotiating contracts, supply schedules, and sales commissions. Often when a supplier or partner relationship turns sour it is because of non-contractual and non-supply related issues and it catches everyone unaware, especially in a super-supplier or super-reseller scenario. Gaining an ongoing understanding of your partners’ experience, their needs, and their context while showing them you care enough invest in them goes a long way to improving relationships and being aware of potential issues. As part of our clients’ supplier or partner program, we design and conduct multiple types of research throughout the year to learn more and improve the relationships.

  • Annual supplier/partner research plan
  • Custom designed research approach to fit your supplier/partner ecosystem and relationships and areas of learning
  • Research reports and recommendations